Връзката с предците и едно пленяващо лутане в тяхната реалност - one out of one

The connection with the ancestors and a captivating wandering in their reality

Today, with the morning coffee, a new inspiration was born I dreamed of the connection with the ancestors. The search for the ancient, for the place where I belong. I roamed the meadows, searched in my close relatives in the distant past. It was like another time space and I knew I could talk to them as long as I could find them. A huge and long journey, realistic enough to tire me even after waking up. All the time of the dream I felt hungry and daydreamed about grandmother Stana's feasts. She was an excellent cook, but alas, great-great-grandmother, it is logical that I should not cook anything of hers. In fact, it's like I know the taste of her dishes. I desperately searched for them separately, but as I wandered, exhausted from the journey, I thought only of her manjis. I had visions in my dream of her building a fire, boiling bulgur, fresh chives from the garden and onions. Amazing aromas. The vessels I saw in the dream were so obvious, worn by years, but so charming. Her dishes! How nicer than that. I was never able to reach her. Maybe in another dream, or maybe she lives inside me and I'm looking in the wrong place.We found a patina that a seller had collected from metals. Who but the artist needs it? We ordered it yesterday and today it is already in the delivery office. I run to get her to make her the expression of my dream, for my dear grandmother Stana and her comfort. 

- Diana Georgieva

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