Plovdiv is a cultural paradise!

Plovdiv is a cultural paradise!

Today I had the opportunity to thoroughly visit the old town in Plovdiv I have visited it before, but with different eyes. Every time I discover something new there. This time I specifically went to get inspiration for the upcoming watercolors. It was dusk and the lights were terribly picturesque. There were cats everywhere, as if deliberately posing for a photo.

I enjoy a warm coffee in the garden next to the mosque. My whole day was filled with special warmth and comfort. Although I spent the whole day looking at colorful houses and countless paintings in the large gallery, something concrete managed to give birth in my mind. Gentle, warm colors, slightly fuzzy, ethereal, just like for watercolor. My new paints arrived yesterday. Someday I would also try a watercolor with natural pigments that I made myself, but until then I will need an even greater power of inspiration. Probably after Barry.

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