
Here is the small community where you will find detailed information about all the inspirations of the author and the one out of one team.The so-called brand guarantees the uniqueness and authenticity of every work of art you will find on the platform.Be a part of this community to follow the latest collections as well as their processes!


"Изкуството на натуралните пигменти: Как се създават натурално изглеждащи картини с прах от камъни?" - one out of one

"The Art of Natural Pigments: How to Create Nat...

Diana Georgieva

Every artist looks for ways to express their individuality and inspiration through their work. For me, this individuality is expressed through the creation of hand pigments for my paintings. This...

"The Art of Natural Pigments: How to Create Nat...

Diana Georgieva

Every artist looks for ways to express their individuality and inspiration through their work. For me, this individuality is expressed through the creation of hand pigments for my paintings. This...

За Автора: - one out of one

About the author:

Nikolay Kordov

Since I was a child, I believe that nature is my wisest teacher. Warm and welcoming, sometimes highly temperamental and unpredictable, she is the best example for us as students,...

About the author:

Nikolay Kordov

Since I was a child, I believe that nature is my wisest teacher. Warm and welcoming, sometimes highly temperamental and unpredictable, she is the best example for us as students,...

Изразителна Мода: Тениски с Принтове на Картини - one out of one

Expressive Fashion: T-shirts with Picture Prints

Nikolay Kordov

Изкуството има уникалната способност да обогатява не само нашите умове, но и нашия стил. Във века на технологичния напредък, видяхме как модата и изкуството обединяват сили, за да създадат нещо...

Expressive Fashion: T-shirts with Picture Prints

Nikolay Kordov

Изкуството има уникалната способност да обогатява не само нашите умове, но и нашия стил. Във века на технологичния напредък, видяхме как модата и изкуството обединяват сили, за да създадат нещо...

Магията на Цветовете и Текстурите в Интериорния Дизайн: Как да Създадем Хармония и Визуален Израз - one out of one

The Magic of Color and Texture in Interior Desi...

Diana Georgieva

Интериорният дизайн е изкуство, което се базира на баланса между цветове и текстури, създавайки уникално преживяване в пространството, което обгръща хората и ги пленява с емоции. Комбинирането на различни текстури...

The Magic of Color and Texture in Interior Desi...

Diana Georgieva

Интериорният дизайн е изкуство, което се базира на баланса между цветове и текстури, създавайки уникално преживяване в пространството, което обгръща хората и ги пленява с емоции. Комбинирането на различни текстури...

Кафе Молинари - one out of one

Molinari Cafe

Diana Georgieva

In the heart of the Rhodopes, an attractive, cozy bar has emerged, imbued with the spirit of the Mediterranean style. This stunningly unique bar combines the ancient Rhodope energy with...

Molinari Cafe

Diana Georgieva

In the heart of the Rhodopes, an attractive, cozy bar has emerged, imbued with the spirit of the Mediterranean style. This stunningly unique bar combines the ancient Rhodope energy with...

Музей на гайдата - one out of one

Bagpipe Museum

Diana Georgieva

The construction of the first interactive bagpipe museum in Bulgaria is an innovative and stunning idea that combines the rich cultural heritage of the instrument with modern technologies and exciting...

Bagpipe Museum

Diana Georgieva

The construction of the first interactive bagpipe museum in Bulgaria is an innovative and stunning idea that combines the rich cultural heritage of the instrument with modern technologies and exciting...